Impact and Success in Innovation

Million Lives Club hold Virtual Event on Impact and Success in Innovation  

On 17th December, to mark the announcement of our 57 new members, the Million Lives Club held a virtual kick off event on ‘Reflecting on impact: What does successful innovation look like?’ Speakers representing both the innovator and funder perspectives participated in the discussion, which examined how impact and success are defined, who sets these definitions and where there are opportunities to rethink and reform these parameters. During the event, our engaging panel of speakers shared their thoughts, insights and, perhaps most valuably, their experiences. In addition, thanks to those who participated in our pre-event survey, we were also able to review reflections from the wider funder and innovator communities. We were thrilled to have 64 people from around the world tune in to watch the event.

Listen to a few of the key insights presented by our panelists here and watch the full recording here.


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