2020 cohort Announced!
The Million Lives Club announces 2020 cohort at Devex World!
The Million Lives Club proudly announced our new cohort of members at Devex World, which was held virtually on the 10th December.
The official announcement, showcasing our 56 new members, was broadcast to kick-off the panel discussion on innovation at scale. Featured on the panel was Alexis Bonnell, former Head of Innovation at USAID and current Senior Business Executive and Emerging Tech Evangelist at Google, who shared some of the key lessons about the successful scaling of innovations that she learned through her involvement with the Million Lives Club.
Alexis highlighted that one of the most important aspects of the Million Lives Club is that it “demystifies innovation” by “showing that there are things that are scaling”. She emphasised that MLC members are “first and foremost focused on who they were trying to serve and not necessarily pleasing a donor, which is exactly what any good donor should want to see”. More specifically she said the Million Lives Club Members’ successes often stem from being:
We were thrilled that so many of our members and supporters were able to join the discussion at Devex. If you missed it, find a recording of the event here. You can also: